For almost ten years, our umwerk systems GmbH has been supporting customers in the areas of cloud management, server management, system administration, DevOps, and with technologies like Kubernetes or Terraform. That doesn’t change – but we’re rebranding. Since September 2023, we are no longer umwerk systems. Instead, we are now ROSSY. In this article, you’ll find out why.
After ten years of collaboration, umwerk systems GmbH and umwerk GmbH will be charting their own courses. As of March 2023, our umwerk systems company is no longer part of the umwerk group.
Separation of umwerk and umwerk systems entities
We made this decision because we wanted to better differentiate our own range of services from umwerk’s core competency – which is software development.
This separation allows us to communicate our own services more visibly and comprehensibly.
Company name change: Since September 2023, we are called ROSSY
In a logical consequence, we have also decided on a name change: Since September 2023, umwerk systems GmbH has been ROSSY IT GmbH. The core of ROSSY will then be clearly centered around services such as cloud management and cloud consulting.
We will be giving our current website and social media channels a new design by October.
That’ll be changing: Nothing.
Legally and operationally, nothing changes between our customers and us. ROSSY IT GmbH is the 100% legal successor of umwerk systems GmbH, including all rights and responsibilities.
“So why are you now called ROSSY?”
“We want to position ourselves more clearly as specialists in cloud infrastructure. You may have noticed in the past that umwerk systems could easily be confused with umwerk, even on the internet. This wasn’t easy to handle for all of us, especially in terms of sales. That’s why we chose a new company name, ROSSY. And with it, of course, a distinct online presence that is easily distinguishable from umwerk’s presence.”
“Hey, when did you become ROSSY?”
“Since early September 2023. That’s when the notarial name change happened. In the following weeks, we will gradually update the website and our LinkedIn channel.”
“Ah, Herr Rossi sucht d. as Glück!?”
“Haha, yes, we’ve heard that joke a few times. Actually, we came up with the name from a play on words between ‘Rosenheim’ and ‘Systems.’ But of course, we also have a fondness for Mister Rossi.”

“And how does this affect the relationship between umwerk and you?”
“Our two companies remain connected in a friendly way. In detail, umwerk GmbH remains our customer and partner. Side by side, we will continue to work together for the success of our mutual customers.”
“What changes with ROSSY for us as umwerk systems customers?”
“Well, actually… nothing. Legally and operationally, nothing changes between us and our customers. Our email addresses will remain unchanged for now. We’ll only switch them over sometime in the course of 2024. To ensure smooth communication, we’ve suggested to our existing customers to connect with us via Slack Connect or Teams.”
We’re looking forward to the ROSSY future with all of you – warm regards from the ROSSY team.